The meaning behind the Brand

Many often ask, “Where does the name Trodaire originate from?”. To understand this Irish phrase, you must first understand the trials it took to become this name. It all began with a tattoo and a special grey horse. A number of years ago I was fortunate to stumble across an OTTB that was in need of a home out of a kill pen in Texas. I don’t know how he came across my radar when something is meant to be it will find a way to happen. This horse saved me in ways I can not describe. The honeymoon phase of ranching had long since vanished and I was helplessly drowning in a world I did not yet understand. I had just come off of a horrendous calving season and onslaught of other trials Mother Nature saw fit to throw our way. This horse gave me a light back into the old life I knew and longed for. A distraction. Hope. It wasn’t more than a year after rehabbing him that he developed a rare infection within his guttural pouch that damaged nerves beyond repair and I lost my beautiful boy. He fought so hard and taught me so much. While he was in the ICU I searched for a name that I was hoping would become his show name when he defeated this illness. I was looking for names that represented resilience, fighter, strength, determination and a grit that can not be defined. TRODAIRE. Trodaire was the Irish word for everything that I was desiring to represent and be.

Fast forward a couple years and the trials seemed to keep piling. The long nights, the literal blood, the tears, the loneliness that crept in, the cold, the cries of mothers for calves lost and the utter defeat one feels when navigating through that hell. The name TRODAIRE came back to me during this time and it was in a visual way, I needed something to hold onto, something that could shake me from those thoughts and I needed it plain as day. This is the tattoo I now wear on my left wrist, my visual aid to not quit and to keep fighting. I held close to this phrase when life shifted yet again and the Ranch that I thought I would carry forward through my family was reduced and ultimately lost. I felt defeated yet again. But I chose to make something happen, and out of the rubble Trodaire Farms was born in 2018.

Headquarters for Trodaire Farms is based out of the beautiful valley of Elba, Idaho. With the uniqueness of this farm, where it sits, and the access of our other properties we were able to become a GAP4 certified ranch in the spring of 2022. We pride ourselves on being able to bring to your families table beef that is from the hands of those that understand what is means to have quality and traceability. This is TRODAIRE.